ofland Escalante | Utah Western editorial

The adventure that almost didn’t happen. Because sometimes, apparently, your car will decide to break down a week before your scheduled road trip. Nonetheless, by some kind of miracle I was able to make this trip happen and meet these ridiculously photogenic, sweetheart lovers in the Utah Desert for a day of beautiful memories I won’t soon forget.
Jenna and Christian are the kind of people that as soon as you meet them you’re like “okay dope, we’re friends now.” Maybe it was that they let me crash their hot tub date at Ofland Escalante, or the fireside hangs that followed where we swapped travel stories. Perhaps it was venturing down the sandy 4x4 roads to get to our second location or watching the nail-biting recovery of Christian’s hat that flew into pit while we were shooting. Maybe it was all those moments combined and they way that we laughed our way through all of them.
As for photographing them, I couldn’t get over how magnetic their energy was. The way they melted into each other in every moment and radiated with joy and tenderness. It was a beautiful thing to document, and resulted in some photographs that I’m really proud of. Endless hugs and love to these two for being so open to this experience and all the ways that it would naturally and unexpectedly unfold.