On the road with Jessica

Creating with Jessica was pure freedom, and a combination of some of my very favorite things; road trips, cowboy boots, mother nature, and meeting up with friends at gas stations in podunk towns. Kidding. But am I?

We documented the day on a mix of film and digital, leaning into a 90’s road trip aesthetic for the first half and an earthy, soft, and feminine editorial by the ocean. My favorite parts are this day were the moments behinds scenes — long, deep talks on the drive out to the coast, the thrill of getting absolutely soaked in the ocean, and enjoying a fireside seafood dinner together when the sun went down.

There’s something incredible fulfilling about working one-on-one with a fellow creative soul. Grateful for this beautiful human, her openness for creative expression, and getting to bear witness to her fiery passion.

Model — Jessica Yrigoyen

Boots — Ranch Road Boots